Weba’s Vocal Studio

As a singing teacher I work with the method developed by the Institute for Vocal Advancement to provide lessons curated to the needs of the student. Recognizing that each voice is unique, I create exercises that work specifically to bring the student’s voice into balance. Over time, exercises are modified to challenge the singer to increase range, stamina and stylistic ability.

As a vocal coach, I combine my knowledge of the latest trends in contemporary vocal technique and recording technology with my experience in creating alternative music, avant garde theater and performance art.  I have over 30 years experience performing with musical groups in such styles as pop, rock, punk, folk, and spoken word.

I have performed at the Broad Stage, Redcat, MOCA, and the Getty Museum with the Eastside Sinfonietta, Puttanesca, SHRIMPS and Garretson & Gorodetsky and recorded with artists such as Carla Bozulich, Kristian Hoffman, and video artist Bill Viola.  I have a Masters in Music: Vocal Performance from California State University, Los Angeles as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Theater from Sarah Lawrence College. My singing teachers include Kathy Kennedy and Jeffrey Skouson.

Contact Weba at weba@catasonic.com, or 323-664-1404Contact Weba at weba@catasonic.com, or 323-664-1404

"Weba Garretson"

Weba Garretson